Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Hurricane Survival Guide

Hurricane Survival Guide

The most important thing you can do is be informed and prepared 

Asbury Park residents are encouraged to be prepared for the possible impacts of a Hurricane should one hit the region this season.
As with any weather-related emergency, residents are urged to take steps now to ensure that their homes and families are prepared for a possible close encounter with a Hurricane . Hurricane hazards may come in many forms including lightening, flooding, storm surge, tornadoes, high winds, etc. With the month of September designated as “National Preparedness Month,” it’s the perfect time to review and restock your Emergency Kit supplies and ensure everyone is familiar with your family’s Emergency Communication Plan. 
Before the storm

Check and restock your emergency supply kit with items such as non-perishable foods, a manual can opener, water, a battery-powered or hand-crank radio, extra flashlights and batteries.   

Understand what the various weather advisories mean and keep apprised of conditions outside. 

- Know your local radio stations for weather updates and keep a battery-powered radio on hand for changing conditions. 

- Keep the lines of communication open. Charge cell phones and wireless laptop computers in advance. 

- Have flashlights on hand, along with fresh batteries. 

- Update your list of emergency phone numbers and include folks that may require special care, such as seniors and people with disabilities.
- Prepare your home - bring in any outdoor objects such as lawn furniture, toys, wind chimes and garden tools that you can; anchor objects that cannot be brought inside but that could be wind-tossed.
- Check all smoke alarms. Having a working smoke alarm is vital to your safety year-round and can immediately alert you to potential danger 24/7. 
- Make sure your gas tank is filled.
- Have a plan for your pets. Have adequate food and water and use caution when letting your pet outdoors after the storm. Downed power lines, glass and other hazards could present real dangers to your pet.

During the storm

- Avoid using candles for lighting - flashlights are the best and safest choice during a power outage.
- Never use a candle when fueling equipment such as a kerosene heater or lantern, since the 
candle flame can ignite fumes from the fuel.
- Try to stay in an interior room or away from windows.
- Stay calm and do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.
- Unplug electronics. During a power outage, turn off as many appliances as possible. This will minimize losing power again through a power surge and protect the equipment and your home when power returns.
- Use care with generators. Carbon monoxide is a quick killer. If you have a generator, make sure you also have a carbon monoxide detector, either battery operated or with a battery backup. Never operate a generator inside a house, garage, shed or other enclosed area, even if windows and doors are open. Do not use it outside near open windows or doors.
- Do not go outside. Flying debris, downed wires from high winds are a real danger.

After the storm
Listen to the authorities. Remain indoors until an official "all clear" is issued.

Use extreme caution when cleaning up storm damage on your property. Downed or damaged power lines can send electrical currents through tree branches and metal fences, so survey the area carefully - especially if you'll be using a pruning pole, ax or chainsaw.
3. For downed trees on public property, residents should call - 732-775-0900 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays (or 240-777-0311. If live wires are involved, the tree is blocking a roadway, the tree is on a structure or if anyone is trapped under a fallen tree, call 911.

. Know your limits. Many storm-related deaths and injuries involve existing health problems exacerbated by the physical demands of cleanup activities.

 Drive with caution. Avoid areas subject to flooding, including low spots, canals and streams. Do not attempt to drive on a flooded road, which could lead to becoming stranded or trapped because the depth of the water and the condition of the road is not always obvious.

6. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize flood dangers, downed wires and other hazards.
7. Call 911 for life threatening situations only.

Call authorities to report any hazards such as downed power lines, leaking gas mains, broken water mains and overturned gas tanks.

Watch what you eat. If power was off during the storm, check refrigerated and frozen foods for spoilage. When in doubt, throw it out. 

10. Avoid areas subject to flooding, including low spots, canals and streams. Never attempt to drive on a flooded road.   

Replenish supplies used from your emergency kit as soon as possible, you might need it again next week. 

12. Check on your neighbors - especially the elderly, those with special needs or the disabled.

Important utility company numbers:
JCP$L:  To report an outage: 1-888-544-4877
NJNG: To report a gas leak: 800-427-5325

Sign up for Asbury Park Nixle Alerts!

Be sure to sign up for “Nixle Alerts” at https://local.nixle.com/city/nj/asbury-park/. Asbury Park Nixle will deliver important emergency alerts, notifications and updates to you. While signing up for Asbury Park Nixle free of charge, your wireless carrier may charge you a fee to receive text messages. Check the website FAQ link and your wireless agreement to review your carrier’s pricing information.  

Monday, August 6, 2018

Get Ready: High Heat in the Forecast

Be Careful and Check on Elderly Neighbors

The heat is ON. A Heat Advisory remains in effect from noon today until 7 p.m. Temperatures will be in the mid to upper 80s with heat index values around 94 degrees. Excessive heat is especially dangerous to the elderly, the young, those with existing medical conditions and those that work outdoors. The Asbury Park Fire Department is urging residents to stay cool, stay hydrated and to check on the welfare of elderly or at-risk neighbors as things "heat up" this week in the metropolitan area.

Staying hydrated is essential all year long but is particularly important when temperatures soar. During hot weather and extreme heat, keep informed by listening to local weather and news channels and take a minute to review the tips below.

1. Pre-hydrate, hydrate and re-hydrate.
During hot weather you will need to increase your fluid intake, regardless of your activity level. Drink plenty of fluids in advance, during and after activities and don’t wait until you're thirsty to hydrate.

2.  Dress for the heat.
Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing. Light colors will reflect some of the sun’s energy. Limit your direct exposure to the sun and wear a hat for extra protection.

3.  Monitor those at high risk.
Extreme heat can be hazardous to your health and although anyone can suffer from heat-related illness, some people are at greater risk than others. Those most at risk for heat-related illnesses include children, older adults, those that work or exercise outside and those with pre-existing medical conditions.

4. Children and cars - use common sense.
Never, ever leave infants, children, pets or the elderly in a parked car where temperatures can become life-threatening in minutes, even with the windows rolled down. Additionally, hot interior surfaces of a car can burn a child’s skin. Before you put your child in a car that has been parked in a warm/sunny spot, check the temperature of the car seat or upholstery first.

5. Avoid strenuous activity.
Take regular breaks when exercising or engaged in physical activity on warm days. If you recognize that you, or someone else, is showing signs of a heat-related illness, stop the activity immediately, find a cool place to rest, hydrate and seek medical attention if necessary.

6. Be a good neighbor.
Isolated, elderly adults are at a much higher risk of health-related issues. Be a good neighbor and take a minute to check in with your neighbors.

7. Remember your pets.
Hot weather can affect the well-being of pets making them susceptible to overheating which can lead to very dangerous heat stroke. Always provide a source of water and a cool, ventilated place for your pet. Leaving your pet inside a parked car, even for a few minutes, can be fatal. The inside of a car can reach 120 degrees in a matter of minutes.  

8. Stay indoors, if possible.
Stay indoors and, if possible, in an air-conditioned place. If your home does not have air conditioning, consider going to the shopping mall, community center or public library. Even a few hours spent in air conditioning can help your body stay cooler when you return to the heat.